YAS.beneFit - Questions & Answers

Do you have questions about our YAS.beneFit solution? Find detailed answers to your open questions here.

General information about the solution YAS.beneFit

With YAS.beneFit, we have created a benefit package for your employees that is beneficial for both sides. By combining health-promoting offers with motivating gamification elements via our health app, we want to actively and sustainably increase the overall health of your professional team.

The benefit package consists of three options that can be combined individually.

The first option is an annual health budget for use within a company health insurance plan. The second option is an annual lifestyle budget to use with our selected benefit partners via our health app YAS.beneFit. The third option is a mental health package that provides almost unlimited access to our partner Likeminded’s platform.

Depending on the option selected, we and/or our cooperation partners provide all the necessary onboarding materials. We will provide you with a checklist, text templates for announcements for your team, and customized material upon request.

If you already offer benefits such as the Jobticket or Urban Sports Club membership in your company, we can take these into account in the lifestyle budget and reduce an employee’s budget accordingly. Thus, every employee is treated equally and your benefit offer becomes even more flexible!

Example: You offer your employees a subsidy of €25 per month for a job ticket. That would be €300 per year. You also provide a lifestyle budget of €600 for additional benefits. If the employee wishes to continue to keep the subsidy for the job ticket, this is deducted from the lifestyle budget: 600-300= €300 lifestyle budget is left. Thus, the job ticket can still be used and half of the lifestyle budget can still be redeemed.

YAS.beneFit is designed to bring joy to you and your team. Therefore, we keep it as simple as possible for you with the settlement of the offer. You will receive a monthly invoice for everything.

For the corporate health insurance, the monthly sum can be calculated easily. Employees x monthly contribution = total X.

Lifestyle budget is also billed on a monthly basis. The total here can only be forecast for the year.

YAS.beneFit is exclusively an offer for company employees. Benefits end automatically at the end of active employment.

The group insurance contract between the policyholder and Hallesche may be terminated by either party at the end of a year with three months’ notice. In this case, the participant named above in the group insurance contract will be informed of this.

A monthly registration and deregistration option applies to the insured employees of the corporate health insurance.

To transfer employee data for registration and deregistration, you will have to upload an Excel file via the respective portal. The processing is DSGVO-compliant on servers within the European Union.

Tax-free benefits in kind do not contribute to an increase in taxable income. Thus, insurance of this group of persons is possible if the non-cash benefit is not used for other purposes. With corporate health insurance and Likeminded, for example, you pay €37.67 per month and that is below €50. The taxable income does not increase in this case.

From our side there is no restriction. We refer to the monthly sign-in and sign-out lists. The continued funding of benefits is the sole responsibility of the employer.

No, you can use the benefits immediately. There is no health check for the corporate health insurance.

You have the option to insure all employees identically. This is the simplest option. Alternatively, grouping of the workforce can take place, as long as it is objectively justified. Updating of the workforce data is done on a monthly basis via the current list.

With regard to the budget available in the event of a change, a distinction must be made between the health budget and the lifestyle budget. The health budget in the FEELfree tariff is mathematically divided into twelve parts in the calendar year. In the event of a change during the year, a x/12 portion of the budget remains for the remaining months. If, on the other hand, the FEELfree:up budget tariff is selected, the full budget is available at all times.

The lifestyle budget is fully available throughout the year. Thus, a person who starts employment in November has two months to use the full budget amount.

The cut-off date is 31.12. of a year. Unused budget expires at the end of the year and is not transferable. Payment to the account or in cash is not provided.

Yes, just digital and more appealing! Corporate health insurance fits is a part of company health management or company health promotion. The lifestyle budget is externally affiliated and an exclusive offer at YAS.beneFit. The health budget option fits into the concept as well.

This decision is the responsibility of the employer. Legally, there is the possibility of making a claim for repayment, as in the case of vacation, for example. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions!

There are two different tariff options for the corporate health insurance with annual budget ranging from 300€ to 1,500€. The expected costs simply result from the number of employees x the selected monthly tariff premium. Billing takes place directly via Hallesche on a monthly basis.

Example calculation: With the selected tariff option Feelfree:up with an annual budget per employee of 600 EUR, a monthly premium of 25.76 EUR is due. With 50 employees, the monthly costs would be approximately EUR 1288.

For the lifestyle budget, you also choose from an annual budget per employee. You will receive a total monthly invoice from us and only pay for the budget that was actually used.

Example calculation: As an employer, you decide on a lifestyle budget of 300€ per employee per year. Over the year, this would be a maximum of €15,000 for 50 employees. On average, the employees use 60% of the budget = 216€ p.a. With 50 employees, this would result in monthly costs of an average of 18€*50 employees = 900€. The actual amount per month/employee varies. We only charge the employer for what the employees use in the app.

For the Mental Health package, there is a flat fee of 12 EUR gross per month per employee.

Lifestyle Budget

Identical to the health budget, you as a company select an annual budget per employee. The amount ranges from €300 to €1,500. Your employees can download our app from the app stores and redeem their budget at our selected benefit partners, in the form of vouchers or free memberships. The available budget amount can be seen directly on the app’s dashboard. As an additional highlight, our app connects to all popular fitness trackers and offers health-promoting incentives through the interface, i.e. activity statistics, team challenges, as well as tips and quizzes on health topics.

Yes. All options can be booked individually, but also as an individual package.

With high-priced benefit partners such as Garmin, limits are used to somewhat control the costs incurred. For example, a Garmin smartwatch worth €300 is only eligible for a €150 refund.

Points earned in the “YAS.beneFit” app via activity and fitness can be converted into budget worth money. For example, 1000 points can become an amount credited as a lifestyle budget of €5.

For a better estimation: For 10.000 steps taken and tracked, you get 10 points in our app.

Please note: Even when points are converted into a monetary amount, you as the employer do not pay more. The utilization rate of the total lifestyle budget is not 100 %, thus the newly gained budget is financed through points by the group.

Our partners include Garmin, HelloFresh, YogaEasy, fitnessraum, Babbel, SportScheck and Richtig Wissen. Further benefit partners from the categories of health, nutrition and exercise etc. are constantly being added.

Health budget - corporate health insurance

The corporate health insurance is provided in cooperation with Hallesche Krankenversicherung. You select the respective annual budget amount per employee from the two possible tariffs FeelFree and FeelFree:up. Employees submit invoices for additional costs directly to Hallesche and are reimbursed for these costs until the budget amount is exhausted. As a company, you pay a fixed monthly insurance premium per insured employee.

We are guided by a list of employees provided by you. It is at your discretion who is covered and who is not.

No health examination is required for corporate health insurance. Ongoing treatments are not an exclusion criterion. Eligibility for corporate health insurance requires existing basic insurance through a statutory health insurance fund or private health insurance in Germany.

You can make this decision yourself, as YAS.beneFit is employer-funded. In principle, e-mail addresses of your employees belong to protected data.

No, there is no exclusivity. The corporate health insurance can be added to existing insurance policies.

Mental Health Package

We offer this service in cooperation with our partner nilo. For a flat fee per employee per month, all services of the platform can be used. Credits are available for the One-on-One Coaching. These are sufficient for approximately 6 individual sessions.

In addition, there is a wide range of workshops, group meetings and helpful content that will help your employees protect and strengthen their mental health.

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