
Osteopathy - A holistic healing method for body and mind


What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a holistic healing modality that focuses on the manual treatment of the human body to promote health and wellness. Over time, it has become a recognized and widely used form of medicine. Within the framework of osteopathic treatment, 5 principles of osteopathy were developed by the physician Andrew Taylor Still:

  1. Life is movement and movement is life: Our organs stay healthy when they can move freely. By now, we know how important exercise is for our body and mind.
  2. The human being is a unity of body, soul and spirit: osteopaths consider the body as a unity in which all parts are interconnected. They believe that the health of one part of the body depends on the health of all other parts.
  3. The body is capable of healing itself and keeping itself healthy: Osteopathic treatments are designed to activate and support these self-healing powers.
  4. The structure of an organ influences its function and its function influences its structures: Osteopaths assume that the structure of the body (bones, muscles, tissues) is closely linked to its function (movement, blood circulation, nerve conduction). If the structure is disturbed, this can affect the function and vice versa.
  5. Osteopathic treatment should take into account all these principles

What does an osteopath do?

An osteopathic treatment usually takes between 30 and 50 minutes. Osteopaths see their methods as holistic medicine that addresses the causes of the complaints. Their claim is not to treat a disease or symptoms, but to find the trigger. After a detailed preliminary discussion with the patient, the diagnosis is made and then the treatment is carried out directly with the most important instrument in osteopathy – the hands. Through targeted massages and grip techniques, osteopaths solve complaints so that the interplay of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and internal organs can function again. It is quite possible that several symptoms such as blockages, tensions or organic complaints are solved with one treatment. A classic win-win situation.

When to go to an osteopath?

Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide variety of health problems. So when is it worth going to an osteopath for treatment? Osteopathic treatment may be useful for the following complaints:

  • Back pain and neck pain: Osteopaths are often the first port of call for people with back or neck pain. The manual techniques can relieve pain and improve mobility.
  • Headaches and migraines: By improving blood circulation and relieving tension, osteopaths can reduce headaches.
  • Pregnancy: Osteopathic treatments can help expectant mothers relieve discomfort such as back pain and pelvic pain.
  • Stress, tension and anxiety: the holistic approach of osteopathy can help reduce stress, relieve anxiety and increase overall well-being.
  • Sports injuries: Athletes also often have osteopathic treatments to treat and prevent injuries.

What does an osteopathic treatment cost?

The costs of osteopathic treatment are charged by the respective practicing osteopath according to the professional fee schedule. In general: An osteopathic treatment including anamnesis and examination can cost between 60 and 150 € per session. Since multiple sessions are usually needed, it can quickly become expensive. However, there is a solution for this!

The advantages of corporate health insurance

With a corporate health insurance, you can be reimbursed for the costs incurred for osteopathic treatment and many other services that alleviate or prevent complaints! A clear win-win situation for employers and employees: employers benefit from healthy employees and employees from an attractive offer that covers their (treatment) costs and promotes their health. With YAS.beneFit – the new benefit solution for companies – corporate health insurance is combined with a lifestyle and mental health offering, creating even more health for everyone. Learn more now!


  • German Society of Osteopathy (DGfO). Last accessed 04/09/2023 at: https://www.osteopathie.de/
  • The American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO). Last accessed 04/09/2023 at: https://www.academyofosteopathy.org/about-osteopathic-medicine
  • Jonas C. Musculoskeletal Therapies: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment. FP Essent. 2018 Jul;470:11-15. PMID: 29963843. Last accessed 04/09/2023 at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29963843/
  • Selim, M. & Riepl, G. (2009). Was kann die Osteopathie und wie heilt sie? Springer. Last accessed 04/09/2023 at: https://www.schmerz-therapie-zentrum.at/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/promed_osteopathie_de.pdf
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