Acupressure for all. Just lay on the mat at home and relax.
This is ShaktiMat
At ShaktiMat it is all about relaxation and pain relief. For this, the 3.000-year-old tradition of acupressure is reinterpreted. The acupressure mats, cushions and floor mats from ShaktiMat are practical, compact and uncomplicated. Simply spread it out in a room with enough space and lie on it, and the relaxation begins. The ShaktiMat was designed by the massage therapist trained in the Vedic arts, Om Mokshananda brought from India to the West. It guarantees quality, durability, fair production and inner peace. Only sustainable products such as organic cotton and non-toxic, fully recyclable ABS plastic What is done by the thumbs, heels of the hands, elbows and knees in conventional acupressure is done by thousands of acupressure tips in ShaktiMat. In this process, pressure is exerted on the affected part of the body by the patient’s own body weight. This acts like a massage and provides the long-awaited deep relaxation from head to toe. The mats from ShaktiMat promote the natural self-healing power through their acupressure tips, whereby pain can finally be relieved. Who doesn’t long for some relaxation after a long day? In the evening, the feet can really relax with the doormat. It is also especially suitable for cold feet, as it stimulates blood circulation. The semicircular acupressure pillow can be used to treat many different areas of the body such as the shoulder blades and sacrum. Especially tensions neck area can be solved with the pillow. Regular relaxation can additionally improve the quality of sleep, allowing us to start the day more energetic and easier in the morning.
ShaktiMat at YAS.life
Tension and pain are not as rare as we would wish. Many complain of back and neck pain, overloaded feet or headaches, which are usually caused by tension in the muscles. Regular relaxation is therefore extremely important for a healthy and balanced life. The acupressure mats from ShaktiMat stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, cause deep relaxation and thus provide a lighter feeling of life. Simply order high quality mats at ShaktiMatand save with the discount from YAS.life.
With YAS.life to muscular and inner relaxation
A massage would be nice, but often there is no time to do something good for yourself and experience relaxation in the stress of everyday life. Unfortunately, it is precisely this stress that is responsible for many physical and psychological complaints. The acupressure mats from ShaktiMat offer just that: relaxation in a short time, and from home. Just lay on the mat for 10-20 minutes and the acupressure tips will do their job. They stimulate blood circulation and metabolism and also promote the self-healing powers of our body. Pain is relieved, tensions and pinched nerves are sustainably released. Especially headaches and migraines can be treated with the mats from ShaktiMat because the reason for this is usually a tense neck. Depending on the mat and pressure intensity, different parts of the body benefit from acupressure, for example, the spine can be relieved and fascia loosened. So nothing stands in the way of deep relaxation.
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